Friday, August 15, 2014

Pranic Healing and Autism

Autistic children crave inner balance. Energy-based medicines and healing arts can help bring a deep-level sense of ease within. What are energy medicines and healing arts? They are a variety of activities that help remove blocked energy (which cause stagnation and dis-ease), from the body and its immediate space. This process allows the 11 human systems to work in greater harmony. Yoga, Tai chi, Reiki, Qi Gong, acupuncture, massage, and sound therapy are just a few examples.

For almost ten years, I've been practicing Reiki with our 13-year-old autistic son, Justin. In Reiki, the practitioner "fills" the body with high-vibrating, healing energy by merely placing hands on, or hovering hands over, the patient. This process naturally displaces the lower-vibrating energies from the body. Imagine pouring a gallon of blue-colored water into a glass of yellow-colored water. Following a short period of green, the water will become entirely blue. This is one example of how Reiki works.

Last Spring, I learned a new technique called Pranic Healing. It is similar to Reiki since it re-energizes the body's main Chakra System (Central Nervous System). However, it is unique from Reiki because the focus is on first "sweeping" blocked energies away, then restoring it with new energy. In Pranic Healing, the "purging" process (as in the green-colored water), is shortened since the practitioner cleans first, then fills. Healing time is thus shorter and the patient feels instantly refreshed. Here I am, sweeping Justin...

Both methods still come quite in handy. While Justin was feeling terribly frustrated over a drawing activity, I performed a Reiki treatment by placing my hands on his diaphragm area, called the Solar Plexus. At first, he gave up on the drawing completely, leaving to play with his Hotwheels (the "green water" period). Fifteen minutes later, he voluntarily came back, feeling renewed and he completed the drawing with uncanny improvement...

On the other hand, Pranic healing has helped both Justin and our typical son when feeling overloaded after school or after a draining experience with friends. The sweeping removes any negative energies they've dragged along, and the energizing that follows is like pressing the reset button.

While it requires quite a time commitment and a ton of patience, we have been so pleased with the cumulative effects of an energy routine- increased organization, awareness of surroundings, ability to focus for longer periods, self-confidence, overall clarity in communication, and best of all, deep, restful sleep through the night. At long last!

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